Saturday, January 09, 2010
Ethan Bavido said, "Phonics is not a set of rules. It is an uncanny coincidence that occurs in many words."
Caleb said February 19, 2009, "There's something else I gotta tell you. I kinda tried to strangle Isaac. "
We were driving past Miller's Swim School in Tulsa and imagined aloud what it would be like if it belonged to the Mr. Miller we know from karate. We decided that he would tell his swim students, "It's not so much swimming, as it's getting the water to do what you want."
Anna says, "The voices in my head are very inexperienced."
I once said, "My brilliance can only overcome so much."
Ethan once said, "Everything should be incredibly difficult, so when you fail no one is surprised."
Ethan once said, "I'm just so manly! People around me grow beards from just being near me!"