Tuesday, July 31, 2007

You stink with a stink that no one can smell.
Ethan Bavido

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

This comment is by Mark Earley, president of Prison Fellowship. He was writing about the popularity of the Harry Potter series of books and other good fiction:
...Dickerson and O'Hara write, "Muthos [from which we get the word myth] originally meant 'word' or 'speech' and was a near synonym for logos—a word later used in the Gospel of John to describe Christ. . . . The distinction that eventually arose between the words was that muthos came to mean an account through story, while logos came to mean an account through reason or proposition." Great stories are even more closely related to the Gospel than we realize. No wonder that great stories are so enticing.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Anna sent me this. I love it.
Mike Myers - "My theory is that all of Scottish cuisine is based on a dare."
I'm of Scottish descent and it shows in many ways. My husband is of Italian descent and it shows in many ways. I've been cooking for the poor guy for 27 years now. He has survived-- so far. That's all that can be said.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Morse v. Frederick is the recent case before the Supreme Court where a student promoting drug use with a big sign was stopped by his school and he then sued for violation of his freedom of speech.
In Morse v. Frederick, Justice Clarence Thomas said, “If parents do not like the rules imposed by those schools, they can seek redress in school boards or legislatures; they can send their children to private schools or home school them; or they can simply move.”
This is the first time the Supreme Court specifically has recognized homeschooling as a viable educational alternative.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I hope I haven't posted this before. I can't seem to load my blog to find out.

Those in the United States and in other western nations who are urging dialogue with Iran are repeating the tragic mistakes of the 1930s that led to World War II. People say talk is cheap but it can be enormously costly when it becomes just a way to forestall action while an enemy nation builds up its military threat.
Since Iran is not letting the idle chatter at the U.N. delay their rush to get nuclear weapons, they are more dangerous than the Nazis were -- while we remain as gullible as those in the west who blundered into World War II and almost lost it. ---Thomas Sowell, Sept. 26, 2006

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