Saturday, September 30, 2006
Concerning the uncovering of 500 weapons of mass destruction in Iraq: “The lying leftists, who will get all of us killed if we don't remain vigilant, were very slow to respond.” --Kevin McCullough
Sunday, September 17, 2006
I had plans to update both of my blogspots today, but I've run out of today. I also have about half of the children down sick-- B, N and I, with A and E recovering. Bummer... Also, my darling husband is going out of town. I don't mind holding down the fort alone, but I like having him around because I love him.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Liberal doctrines are less scientifically provable than the story of Noah’s ark, but their belief system is taught as fact in government schools, while the Biblical belief system is banned from government schools by law. As a matter of faith, liberals believe: Darwinism is a fact, people are born gay, child-molesters can be rehabilitated, recycling is a virtue, and chastity is not. If people are born gay, why hasn’t Darwinism weeded out people who don’t reproduce? (For that, we need a theory of survival of the most fabulous.) And if gays can’t change, why do liberals think child-molesters can? Pedophilia is a sexual preference. If they’re born that way, instead of rehabilitation, how about keeping them locked up? Why must children be taught that recycling is the only answer? Why aren’t we teaching children “safe littering”? --Ann Coulter